Friday 10 April 2015

Pick me ups - big and little things to improve your mood ♡

A lot of times I find myself in a low mood, with no idea what to do on how to pick myself up. I've made a list of some things to get you out of the dumps, from tiny pick me ups that take very little effort, to big ideas that might take a bit more money or preparation. 

♡ Little Things 

 Pop to your closet store or bakery, and pick the tastiest looking treat they have, either something you know you love, or something new you want to try. Buy it for yourself and eat it out in the sunshine, or save it until you get home. 

♡ Order a couple of cute bath bombs from Lush online - or whatever shop you like. Then you can look forward to your delivery and the relaxing baths to follow.

♡ If you're having a bad day and haven't showered or got ready, have a quick shower and get changed, and sit and do your make up, hair, or nails. This will make you feel more refreshed and lively, and will give you a chance to experiment with your hair and make up and try new styles.

♡ Download an app like Pinterest and follow some pages that post things you enjoy. You can either use it to scroll through when you're bored to take your mind of things or set up your own pins and boards as a small hobby.

♡ Find some youtube videos online of a game you've always wanted to play but never did, or games you've played before and enjoyed. If you find a complete series, you can watch an entire game with or without commentary. Instead of sitting and watching a film in bulk you could instead watch one episode a day so you have something tiny to look forward to at the end of the day.

♡ Big Things 

♡ Look online for some recipes and instructions on how to make your own bath bombs, websites like Pinterest might give you some great ideas. Use them yourself, or give them away as gifts.

♡ Find a delicious looking recipe online or in a cookery/baking book, and make it from scratch. Either just for yourself, or invite other people round and share a meal. Even just baking a cake and sharing it with your loved ones will give you something to do rather than be in a bad mood, and will help cheer you up as you're doing something nice for other people!

♡ Book an appointment at a salon to have your hair, make up, or nails done professionally. You could either just have your usual hair style, or try something different. Having a new hair colour could be a big boost in your confidence, and having a full set of nails will make you feel more polished!

♡ Start up a blog and write about the things you love or are interested in, and make a promise to yourself to post something new every week or month. Spend some of your spare time thinking about new things to write about, and planning what your post will be each month. 

♡ Go through old storage or boxes and find any old games or consoles you have. Figure out how to set them up, and enjoy playing all the games you used to play when you were younger! You could find old games for your console on buy and sell websites such as eBay, and bask in the nostalgia.

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