Thursday 24 September 2015

New Lush Bath Bombs ♡

This post is unfinished as I still have half the bath bombs to review - but they will definitely be up in the next couple weeks! 

I was so excited to see that Lush have released a new season of products, including some of my favourites - bath bombs ! I am a total Lush junkie so I ordered these as soon as I saw them online. Not only do Lush's bath bombs look gorgeous before and during their use. the essentail oils included in them have many emotional and physical benefits.The four bath bombs I will be reviewing are Frozen, Intergalactic, Yoga Bomb, and The Experimenter.  


The Frozen bath bomb has become one of my new favourites. The main ingredients are grapefruit oil, rose oil, and neroli oil. It has a beautiful scent that isn't too overwhelming, but still has a natural sweetness unique to Lush.

While fizzing away, it created stunning patterns in bubbles, and turned the water a deep blue/turquoise, speckled with very fine glitter that looked exactly like a very clear, deep sea. If you love beautiful looking baths which also have the benefit of being relaxing and great for your skin, I would definitely recommend this bath bomb! 

♡ Intergalactic 

What can I say about this! It's definitely my new favourite. I have problems with my sinuses, so the peppermint oil in this bath bomb helped immensely. This is perfect for you if you love a menthol scent, and are looking for a bath bomb that is invigorating but still relaxing. It's very good for stress! 

The colours were amazing, one of the most good looking bombs out there in my opinion. The bubbles were a rainbow of blues, greens, and pinks that created unique and interesting patterns. If you love peppermint, need to unwind, or need a visual treat, Intergalactic is a perfect choice! 

I still have two more bath bombs to review, and I'll post them as soon as possible! If you're interested in the specific benefits of more of Lush's bath products and would like help in choosing some that would suit your taste the best, check out my Guide To Lush Bath Bombs.

Thanks for reading! ♡

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